Monday, July 21, 2008

'Dark Signals' Wins Award at Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Writers Conference

By Si Dunn

My latest book project, Dark Signals: A Navy Radio Operator in the Tonkin Gulf, 1964-65, won the 1st runner-up award in the manuscript competition at the 2008 Mayborn Literary Nonfiction Writers Conference, July 19.

There is ongoing publisher interest, but no deals have been signed yet.

While I continue researching and completing this book, I would like to hear from former enlisted sailors and officers who were in the Seventh Fleet in the Tonkin Gulf and South China Sea at some time between July, 1964, and May, 1965. I especially would like to hear from former shipboard and shore station radio operators. I am still gathering material and conducting interviews for final drafts of the book.

For more information, please contact Si Dunn,


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