Trapped in an isolated ravine, a combat veteran who fears violence must save himself and his family from a crazed gunman, also a combat veteran, who is being driven mad by the ghosts of three men he killed in Iraq.
Trapped in an isolated ravine, a combat veteran who fears violence must save himself and his family from a crazed gunman, also a combat veteran, who is being driven mad by the ghosts of three men he killed in Iraq.
JAKE WARREN, his wife KAREN and their young daughter KATIE have no idea why their SUV suddenly is being pursued by an unseen driver steering a hulking black van. And they have no time to figure it out. After a short chase that seems like road rage out of control, the black van slams their SUV through a guard rail and into a deep ravine.
The Warrens are all injured, Katie very seriously. And now they are trapped in an isolated area with no way to call for help. The only person who knows where they are is the man who has just tried to kill them: CHARLIE MACKLIN, a disgraced former Marine lieutenant who now lives in a squalid mountain camp nearby and is haunted by the ghosts of three Marines he killed in Iraq by giving bad orders. Charlie has decided to kill three other people, so perhaps their ghosts will replace the ones that have been tormenting him. When Charlie discovers the car crash did not kill the Warrens, he goes back to the ravine with guns.
Jake Warren, meanwhile, is also a combat veteran, a former soldier who did well in Iraq but was injured and now fears violence. Armed only with rocks and his bare hands, Jake must find enough courage to climb out of the ravine through gunfire and fight a man increasingly made murderous and insane by ghosts, while Karen fights to keep her and Jake’s daughter alive.
Feature Screenplay
by Si Dunn
Copyrighted, WGA registered
For more information about this screenplay and its availability, contact Sagecreek Productions LLC, 3800 N. Lamar Blvd., Suite 730-131, Austin, TX 78756-4011, sidunn@hotmail.com.
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