Saturday, October 4, 2008

Alaska Needs More Hockey Moms, So Send Sarah Palin Back Home to Wassila

By Si Dunn

At the vice presidential debate, Sarah Palin spouted Alaskan "hockey mom" platitudes fast enough to grill moose meat with her breath. And she almost set some new Guinness Book world records for the most times uttering the words "change" and "maverick" in one minute.

The fact that she didn't provide any substantive answers to the debate questions seems to have completely escaped the notice of her rabid fans in the Republican Party. She simply stared into the camera, ignored both the debate moderator and her opponent, and delivered Republican talking points as if they were minor-league sports scores.

No matter. She apparently has a new role, as the GOP's lead attack dog/sled dog. Will Karl Rove now task her to mush as many lies and half-truths as possible into the presidential campaign's final weeks?

If so, she's off to an Iditarod flying start. CBS News' Scott Conroy has reported that at a fundraiser in Denver, Sarah Palin has criticized Barack Obama as "someone who sees America, it seems, as being so imperfect, imperfect enough that he’s palling around with terrorists who would target their own country.”

Based on her shockingly thin resume, her media-interview blunders and her debate non-performance, it is fair to ask: Aren't the Republicans now palling around with ineptitude on a scale that would immediately endanger the survival of our nation if Sarah Palin becomes Vice President and sits one heartbeat away from taking over as leader of the Free World?

With all due respect, driving kids to hockey games in Wassila, Alaska, does not give someone experience to do anything kids to hockey games in Wassila, Alaska.

Alaska needs experienced hockey moms much, much more than it needs an utterly unqualified Vice President of the United States. Hopefully, voters will do our great Arctic state a huge favor and send Sarah Palin back home to Wassila next month, so she can get back to her driving.


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